Blindspots to Logic

Facing and processing emotional damage is so hard. We’d rather leave it unprocessed, and normalize the trauma and wrongdoing we experienced because it would mean the worldview we accepted would become shattered.

The family members who claim to love us treated us with duplicity, and that means the family would crumble.

The legacy of the parents who were soldiers , the morality surrounding the profession of being a murderer, all collapse and implicate the person believed lies, built up their identity, ethics, and years of their lives. It is extremely difficult, almost impossible to face the notion that family members who may have died in a war believing that it was for good, died for nothing, and in fact, were used as pawns. How much would that hurt?

The religious person who grew up believing in ideas despite evidence all around him must years later face that their beliefs do not hold up under the scrutiny of logic. The religious beliefs and being a good person have been conflated, and in their minds, the religion being wrong means their entire sense of morality is wrong.

(This leads to another point: more often than not, people have a natural inclination, and a need to be good.)

Such is the source of logical blindness. As much as one may claim to be logical, It is indeed a difficult path. We as humans are biologically under the rule of emotions.

(Noam Chompsky, jewish upbringing, communism, blind to coercive force of government, despite clear moral contradiction.)

Face our emotional devils. Confront the person who wronged you. Repent to those we wronged. It is hard. But if we don’t, we will wallow in our blindspots.

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