Manipulating Interest Rates is Manipulating the Future

interest rates is the price of borrowing money. It is also subject to supply and demand. The demand for borrowing money is the amount of money people want to borrow. The supply is the amount of money that people are willing to lend. Together, this results in the price of borrowing money, interest rates. Interest…


Entitlements. break it down to humans, rather than institutions. the attitude: so offensive, despicable.     in the others’ shoes: if someone you know walked up to you, and expected you to pay them for some money you made, would you feel that you owe them, or would you be thinking, “WTF/ get out of…

Capital Goods and Consumer Goods – Overlaps In the Internet Age

The Growing Trend Software, Webpages, Social Media. Social media, Youtube, Google, Facebook are all prime examples of goods and services that end-customers use, but also double up as capital goods that businesses use. Those webpages’ social nature and potential to reach a wide audience attract people who can use them to obtain visitors, gain greater…

Why is Hourly Pay So Commonplace?

Is it a result of Marx’s Labor Theory of Value? If this idea didn’t catch on, would paying by results be more common? Would laborers see the more entrepreneurial side of things and charge by results? Businesses want to keep costs down, so they will try to charge a flat rate so they can take…

The Evils of Printing

  Normally, if you want something, you have to provide someone else with something. Thus everyone works to serve one another. And i people do what they are good at specialization of labor occurs and output increases. Printing means you get something for nothing. But that nothing actually harms everyone else by inflation. How does…