Mathmatical Method of Advancing Personality Theory

[QUOTE]Socionics – – Socionics Romancing Styles

Romance Styles

Aggressors: SLE (ESTp), LSI (ISTj), ESI (ISFj), SEE (ESFp)

The Aggressor types, identified as such by Viktor Gulenko, are the four types with Se in their ego.

Victims: EIE (ENFj), IEI (INFp), LIE (ENTj), ILI (INTp)

The Victim types, identified as such by Viktor Gulenko, are the four types with Ni in their ego

Caregivers: ESE (ESFj), SEI (ISFp), LSE (ESTj), SLI (ISTp)

The Caregiver types, identified as such by Viktor Gulenko, are the four types with Si in their ego.

Infantiles: ILE (ENTp), LII (INTj), IEE (ENFp), EII (INFj)

The Infantile types, identified as such by Viktor Gulenko, are the four types with Ne in their ego.


There are 8 cognitive functions.  You can rearrange them in 8P8 ways, which is simply 8! ways or 40320 ways. Out of these, we applied certain rules, and reduced this down to 16 types.

We can do the same for grouping. out of the 16 types, if we want to create four groups of 4, we can get 16C4 groups, or 16! / (4! *  12!) groups. We divide this by 4, because four groups of 4 obtained through a certain set of rules results in ONE arrangement (e.g. quadras). so 16! / (4 * 4! * 12!) = 455. Out of these, quadras is just one such grouping of four 4’s. Romance Styles is another.

Here is a formulaic method of advancing socionics: Find a permutation or set of grouping or rearranging cognitive functions. Find a pattern, and match it with something useful or meaningful idea.

“group the types with four conscious cognitive functions. What do these guys have in common? they have the same overall world view values, need each other. we’ll call this Quadras. ”

“Pick a perceiving function in the ego block, and group those. What do they have in common? oh certain tendencies in romance. call those Romance Styles.”

And you can go find others by different grouping or permutation. As long as you have a cohesive theme, and can demonstrate that to be reflected in reality, you’ve got yourself a thesis. You can do this not only with grouping four 4’s, but perhaps with pairings, or a different model of the types. In any case, you’re starting off with all the possible permutations, and whittling them down by applying certain rules that have a basis in reality, and whose resulting theory is something useful for application and prediction.

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